Monday, April 30, 2007

Terra's Engaged!!

This past Friday, Terra's boyfriend Aaron proposed!!! He popped the question downtown at a park with five wrapped presents that had his favorite moments with her written on them. The boxes kept getting smaller and smaller until he got to the ring box which of course was his favorite moment! Isn't that cute? And of course her ring is beautiful. It is so sparkly! I am so excited for the two of them. Aaron is a great guy and together the two of them make an amazing couple. As of now the date is going to be November 24th. The Saturday after Thanksgiving. So, save the date. :) After the proposal Terra and Aaron came over to our house for ice cream cake and martinellis (not sure on spelling, Terra's favorite special drink). It is so nice to see Terra truly happy and with someone who really loves her. I can't wait for the big day.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Terra came over a few weeks ago and took a whole bunch of pictures of Addison playing with her beloved bubbles. Right now bubbles are one of Addison's favorite things to play with outside. She recently figured out how to hold the bottle of bubbles, dip the wand, and blow the bubbles all by herself.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Birthday Fun

Last week we celebrated my mom's 48th Birthday over at our house. It was a lot of fun. We had a nice relaxing dinner together and then played games the rest of the night.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Easter Celebration

Eater morning we woke up to a whole bunch of rain outside, but we still had a great Easter Sunday. After church we went over to my parent's house and spent the rest of the day over there. We had a really good ham lunch and then Addison got to find her Easter basket which was hidden behind my parent's couch. Then Addie went down for her nap. After she woke up we had an inside Easter egg hunt (since it was still raining outside). Addie had so much fun. She really got into finding the eggs. She ended up being able to find quite a few all by herself.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Gabe's 3rd Birthday

Yesterday was Gabe's 3rd birthday so to celebrate the big day Tricia and I took all three kids to the zoo and then out to Burger King afterwards for lunch. It was a really good time. Addison just loves to play with Gabe and Micah. In between looking at the animals they had fun going down every slide at the zoo and playing on all of the climb on animals.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Trip to Arizona

Last week Addison and I took off for Arizona. It was hard leaving John for almost a week, but we had a really good time staying with my grandparents and seeing old family and friends. Addison was able to meet a lot of my dad's side of the family for the first time. It was nice to see her playing with and getting to know my cousins. It was such a nice and relaxing week.

Thanks to my grandpa Addison also learned some new words while we were there. She can now say mmmmm good after she eats something yummy, pa pa (for grandpa), tower, and kick ball.

It was hard to say good bye after such a good week, but it was also really nice to see John. It was so nice to see him when we landed and to feel the nice cool air outside.

Spring Break Visitors

Over spring break our good friends the Denherders came to visit us from Portland. We had a lot of fun with them. One of the biggest perks of them comming was to finally meet their son Noah. Noah is just a few months younger than Addison so it was really fun to watch them play together. The two of them got along great. Addison and Noah seemed to really enjoy playing together, but they also played quite a bit by themseleves. It was really interesting to see the differences between the two of them. Noah was much more active and loud (not in a bad way)and independent--more of what I think of when I think of a boy and Addie was more on the quiet side and wanted to read books and watch Tarzan more than play a whole bunch. The whole weekend was a lot of fun. It was really nice getting to catch up with John and Cari and have game nights after the kids went to bed. Hopefully it won't be another two years before we see them again.